| by Beth Barany | No comments

Video on The Bible Codes

Here’s a great primer on the Bible codes.

WARNING: Bible codes cannot be used to predict the future. Codes predicting assassinations, for example, are too statistically insignificant to be considered as being intentionally placed. Unless an experiment has been done involving an a priori hypothesis and replication with significant results (and there have been a few that were successful), codes found in the Bible are generally thought-provoking curiosities. The successful experiments are what prove the Bible codes’ existence.

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| by Beth Barany | No comments

What Are the Bible Codes?

What are the Bible codes? I’m glad you asked. If you read every other letter of the Bible starting with the book of Genesis to Deuteronomy, you get Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code spelled out. Well, maybe not, but the idea is similar.

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| by Beth Barany | No comments

Just Got Reprint Permission!

HarperCollins granted permission to reprint a section of Jeffrey Satinover’s book Cracking the Bible Code! The section I’ll be reprinting in the appendix is a historical primer on how the Bible codes went from being an intriguing phenomenon to a rigorously scrutinized study. He mentions how the ears of scientists all over perked up and […]

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