Media Kit for The Torah Codes

Personal Note from the Author, Ezra Barany

Welcome to my media kit page. I am happy you landed here.

And welcome to my just-published suspense novel, THE TORAH CODES: A heart-pounding thriller with appendix essays by Doron Witztum, Jeffrey Satinover, MD, Rabbi Shefa Gold, Dr. Judith Plaskow, Dr. Zvi Bellin, and Tania Schweig.

I’m available for interviews for your radio or television show, or for an article in your magazine or newspaper, or website or blog.

THE TORAH CODES contains all the elements that make for a great interview.

Controversy: THE TORAH CODES features scientific proof of God’s existence. Many mathematicians and code experts, including an NSA senior cryptologist, say the statistical analysis is solid. Othe scientists, including the publisher of a rigorous proof of the codes in Statistical Science Journal, believes there is no truth to the Bible codes. Others still believe the codes are real but don’t think people should base their faith on the existence of codes in the Bible. And when THE TORAH CODES reveals God as a Hebrew Goddess, the controversy of God being male, female, or without gender ensues.

Emotion: Protagonist Nathan Yirmorshy, a man whose religion is science, must overcome his reclusive nature and open his heart to a tarot reader and her metaphysical beliefs for help. When his trusted belief in science leads to proof of God’s existence, Nathan must choose between a life of comfort or a life of making a difference in the world.

Dialogue: The appendix of THE TORAH CODES contains essays by prominent Jewish figures who discuss the themes of the book. Rather than identify with the perspectives presented in the novel, these Jewish scholars present their own thoughts and opinions to provide unique alternate views of the novel’s themes. The theme of the Torah codes is covered by respected Torah codes researcher and quantum physicist Doron Witztum, and psychiatrist and physicist Jeffrey Satinover. The theme of the Shekinah, the female aspect of God, and female God-language is discussed by such writers as Rabbi Shefa Gold, Dr. Judith Plaskow, Dr. Zvi Bellin and educator Tania Schweig.

And finally:

Humor: I’ll make a highly entertaining guest. As a former high school physics teacher, I know how to combine education with humor. After all, if I can get teenagers excited about doing physics problems, getting an audience curious about proof of God’s existence is a walk in the park.


Biographical Information

Ezra Barany has been fascinated by codes and puzzles ever since he was a little tot. He started writing suspense and thriller stories in college and got seriously interested in the Bible Codes while attending Aish HaTorah’s Discovery Seminar in Jerusalem. The Torah Codes is Ezra’s first novel. Ezra has been a high school physics teacher, fiction writing teacher, songwriting teacher, ESL teacher to French children and pop performer. In his free time, he writes mushy love songs inspired by his wife and book coach Beth Barany.
Ezra now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he is working on his next book.


About the Book

THE TORAH CODES: A reclusive computer programmer, Nathan Yirmorshy, pounds out ones and zeros in the quiet of his home while his landlord secretly watches behind a two-way mirror. When an intercepted note connects the landlord to a secret society, and a detective ends up dead, Nathan must abandon his home and everything familiar to him, open his heart to a tarot reader he has never met, and trust her with his life—just as the ancient scriptures have foretold.


Downloadable Press-Ready Images

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The Torah Codes cover (high res)

The Torah Codes cover (low res)

Ezra Barany (B&W)

Ezra Barany (color)



“The visceral suspense is a framework from which the writer dangles a far more intriguing intellectual, even spiritual, carrot…Let me put this quite baldly: the question before us is not a fictional one. If The Torah Codes describes a real phenomenon, then we are talking about statistical evidence that the scriptures are indeed supernatural—that is to say, holy, inspired by a force with, at the very least, a god’s-eye-view of history.” -Ien Nivens, Berkshire Fine Arts

“This book is a page-turner that I found very difficult to put down…The appendix is good reading as well as food for thought and should not be skipped.” -A.R. Cook, The Book Review

“I did not expect to enjoy this book so much as it isn’t my usual genre. I did read the Da Vinci Code so was curious about the comparison. I think Mr. Barany’s book was far better written. The story held my attention, loved his unusual humor. In fact, I had to force myself to stop reading last night. Would definitely recommend. A real plus is that part of the purchase goes to Bay Area schools.” -Mackenzie Jones, Amazon Customer Review

“This book has a compelling story line and was actually hard to put down. The essays at the end of the book were fantastic!” -Troy B. Stengel, Amazon Customer Review

“My husband and I read this out loud before bed for about a week. It was so exciting that we read two hours each night instead of our usual one hour. ” -June Safran, Amazon Customer Review


The Torah Codes Excerpt

To give you an idea of what my book is about, here are the first three chapters.

Click here to download Chapters 1 through 3 of The Torah Codes.



Here’s the book trailer for The Torah Codes.

Book Trailer


Contact Ezra

Please contact Ezra Barany at

You can also connect with Ezra on the social networks:


Note to My Friends and Supporters

Do you have a favorite radio or television host, or newspaper or magazine editor or columnist that you think would like to interview me about The Torah Codes? Maybe their show or publication would be the perfect fit, and having me as their guest or interviewee would please the listeners, viewers or readers!

If you do, then please contact me.

Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you.

