There’s a great challenge every November called National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) presented by Chris Baty The challenge is to write a novel of minimum length 50,000 words, the approximate length of Catcher in the Rye. So I wrote The Torah Codes November 2005.

Writing a book in one month is a daunting task but Chris Baty’s book No Plot? No Problem! helped me get through the process. If you want to get your book done, I highly recommend getting his book.

In the past 5 years the book has been refined, retuned, repossessed, refinanced, and digitally remastered.

When you write your own book, try not to try.

I know that sounds weird but the more you struggle with finding the words, the more your readers will struggle following the flow of the story.

There’s something to be said about writing a book in a month: the tone of the writing has a better chance of being consistent. Write from the heart first, then edit from your brain.

Remember that if you don’t like writing it, your readers aren’t going to like reading it. So have fun with it!

About the Author Ezra Barany

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